# 1.1 Authentication Keys

After the account created on the Shiji paltform, you will recieve a pair of keys, and a merchantRef. Those keys will be used for the backend API's and client SDK's

# 1.1.1 Secret and Publishbale Keys

Secret key - used to make back-to-back calls such as making payments.

Publishable key - used on the client side, for example, in the Shiji wallet JS SDK

You will have 2 pairs of such keys, one pair for the sandbox environment and one for the production.

# 1.1.2 Setting up payments

To use the Billing API you will need to use the secret Key, with a merchantRef.
The merchant Ref is configured on the Shiji side and its indicating the proccessor/gateway you are using for payments and credit card verifications.

For example "First data" or "Chase" with many more supported.
After we will configure the proccessor/gateway in the system with its credentials, you will recieve the merchant Ref, its a numeric value.