# 2.1 Login users

In order to login your users to the Shiji Products, A refresh token needs to be created at the backend.

All Shiji client SDK's require a publishable key and a refresh token at the initialization.

The refresh token represents the unique user, and should be created with uniqe identifier.

POST /users/api/v1/refresh_token

Form params

name Description Format
externalID A uniqe identifier on your system for this user
such as: id, member id, email, phone
String Optional
ttl TTL in seconds for expiration Numeric
Min: 60

⚠️ We do not recommend to use Personally identifiable information (PII) as a unique identifier.

# Request example:

curl --request POST \
  --url https://the-sandbox.mycheckapp.com/users/api/v1/refresh_token \
  --header 'secretKey: <SECRET KEY>' \
  --data 'externalID=user@website.com'

# Response

	"Status": "OK",
	"refreshToken": "9rkd83kxmv92kx9sw...",

# 2.1.1 Creating a guest

In case of a guest, the externalID param is not required

# Request example:

curl --request POST \
  --url https://the-sandbox.mycheckapp.com/users/api/v1/refresh_token \
  --header 'secretKey: <SECRET KEY>' \

# Response

  "Status": "OK",
  "refreshToken": "9rkd83kxmv92kxcba...",

# 2.1.2 Creating a user with metadata

You can add metadata for the user to access it later, It might be required on some of the implementations

POST /users/api/v1/refresh_token

Form params

name Description Format
externalID A uniqe identifier on your system for this user
such as: id, member id, email, phone
String Optional
custom The metadata for this user Json string Optional

# Request example:

curl --request POST \
  --url https://the-sandbox.mycheckapp.com/users/api/v1/refresh_token \
  --header 'secretKey: <SECRET KEY>' \
  --data 'externalID=user@website.com&custom={"fullname":"John snow","phone":"1800123123"}'

# Response

	"Status": "OK",
	"refreshToken": "9rkd83kxmv92kx9sw...",

# 2.1.3 Receive users access token to make requests as a user

If you need to make request behalf of the user, you will need his access token that usually Shiji's client SDK generates using the refresh token and the publishable key.

POST /users/api/v1/user/login

Form params

name Description Format
externalID A uniqe identifier on your system for this user
such as: id, member id, email, phone
String Required
withMetadata If you need users metadata to be included in the access token, this value should be 1 Integer boolean Optional
custom The metadata for this user Json string Optional

# Request example with metadata:

curl -X POST \
  https://the-sandbox.mycheckapp.com/users/api/v1/user/login \
  -H 'secretKey: <SECRET KEY>' \
  -d 'withMetadata=1&externalID=175170775D&custom={"name":"Jhon Snow","email":"jhon@gmail.com", "location": "the true north"}'

# Response example:

    "id": 98545,
    "accessToken": "eyJ0eXAiOiJKV1Qi.......P0ft2Ty5IJqvE",
    "userInfo": {
        "isGuest": false
    "status": "OK"

# 2.1.4 Updating users metadata

If the user exists, and you have its access token, you can make a request to update his metadata

POST /api/v1/user/metadata


name Description Format
Authorization Users access token String Required

Form params

name Description Format
metadata The metadata for this user Json string Optional

# Request example:

curl -X POST \
  https://the-sandbox.mycheckapp.com/users/api/v1/user/login \
  -H 'Authorization: <ACCESS TOKEN>' \
  -d 'metadata={"name":"Jhon Snow","email":"jhon@gmail.com", "location": "the true north"}'

# Response example:

    "status": "OK"