# 4.2 Adding the wallet client

To add the wallet client, please load the following script:

Test environment:

<link href="https://wallet-sdk-v3-test.mycheckapp.com/latest/static/css/main.css" rel="stylesheet"></link>
<script src="https://wallet-sdk-v3-test.mycheckapp.com/latest/static/js/main.js"></script> 

Sandbox environment:

<link href="https://wallet-sdk-v3-sandbox.mycheckapp.com/latest/static/css/main.css" rel="stylesheet"></link>
<script src="https://wallet-sdk-v3-sandbox.mycheckapp.com/latest/static/js/main.js"></script> 

Production environment:

<link href="https://wallet-sdk-v3.mycheckapp.com/latest/static/css/main.css" rel="stylesheet"></link>
<script src="https://wallet-sdk-v3.mycheckapp.com/latest/static/js/main.js"></script> 

# 4.2.1 Authorizing the wallet:

To authorize your wallet, you need to call connect. The connect method can accept 2 parameters:

  • publishableKey - a public authorization key received from Shiji

  • refreshToken – a token created by authorizing a new user (by calling POST usersUrl/api/v1/createRefresh)

Connect: (authorization)
    publishableKey: '<Ask Shiji for a publishable key>',
    refreshToken: '<Created using the createRefresh call>'

# Important note

Wallet placeholder:

<div id="mycheck-wallet-v3"></div>

To initialize Shiji’s wallet, we require to add the div above with a mycheck-wallet-v3 ID. It prevents a collision between the code of the wrapping client (created by the customer) and the wallet’s code.

# 4.2.2 Initializing the wallet:

      "settings": {
        "locale": "es", //optional-default is en (language code in ISO 639-1) 
        "merchant_id": 3877, //required 
        "view": "CHECKOUT" //required - can be either CHECKOUT or MANAGE 
      "payment_details": { // required when loading with view=CHECKOUT  
        "currency": "string", // required 
        "amount": "string", // required 
        "return_url": "string", // optional - the return URL to be redirected to in case of an instant payment 
        "callback_url": "string", // optional -the callback URL to be notified about a an instant payment results 
        "metadata": {} // optional - metadata (more information) to be added to the transaction recorded by mycheck - should be an object of a key => value 

To initialize the wallet, you need to call the init method. The init method can accept 4 parameters:

  • view – (required)
    Accepts either “CHECKOUT” or “MANAGE” Sets whether the wallet should initialize in a checkout view (payment view) or in a manage payment view (used for payment management for returning customers, usually under its profile settings page)

  • locale – (optional – while default is en) sets the language of the wallet’s UI.
    The accepted language should be of type ISO 639-1.

    Supported languages

    Code Language
    en_US English
    de_DE German
    es_ES Spanish
    fr_FR French
    pt_PT Portuguese
    ru_RU Russian
    ko_KR Korean
    zh_CN, zh_HK Chinese
    ja_JP Japanese
  • merchant_id – (required) Used for specific card verification. For further details, please contact Shiji’s team.

  • payment_details – (required for CHECKOUT view only) Sets payment information. Required for Alternative payment methods for adding a card. Always supply this information on init on CHECKOUT view.