# 6.2 CRS Update

Update the method of payment of the reservation identified by the provided CRS confirmation number using the provided credit card token. The optional guaranteeType parameter allows updating the reservation type in the PMS where applicable.

POST /hotels/api/v1/business/{businessId}/reservations/crsUpdate

Request params

Name Located at Description required Format
businessId URL The Shiji business ID YES String
secretKey Header The secret key provided by Shiji YES String
crsConfirmationNumber Body The Crs confirmation number YES String
tokenData Body The credit card token data YES Token Data Object
guaranteeType Body The new value of reservation type to update in the PMS (e.g. CCG) NO String
# Token Data Object
Name Located at Description required Format
token Raw JSON The credit card token YES String
cardType Raw JSON The credit card type YES String
expirationDate Raw JSON The expiration date of the credit card YES String

Request example

  "crsConfirmationNumber": "70566UT259379",
  "tokenData": {  
    "token": "3815405566947215",
    "cardType": "DS",
    "expirationDate": "2019-12"
  "guaranteeType": "CCG"

Response example

    "status": "OK"
    "status": "PENDING"

Error response example

    "origin": "hotels",
    "code": 5022,
    "message": "GUARANTEE_NOT_ACCEPTED",
    "status": "ERROR"