# 5.3.1 Exchange card token to external token

Exchanging Shiji credit card token, with external provider/processor token

# Request

GET /wallet/api/v1/billing/token

Form params

name Description Format Required
cc_token The Shiji credit card token String Yes
merchant_id The ID of the merchant received on the onboarding process int Yes
currency The Currency which is used by the business - required only with the following merchants [Adyen] String ( [ISO 4217]: https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/ISO_4217 ) See description

# Request example:

curl -X GET \
	  'https://the-sandbox.mycheckapp.com/wallet/api/v1/billing/token?cc_token=<CC TOKEN>&merchant_id=<MERCHANT ID>&currency=<CURRENCY>' \
	  -H 'SecretKey: <SECRET KEY>' 

# Response

   "token": "4250000000008172",
   "expiration_date": "2022-07",
   "credit_type": "VI",
   "status": "OK"